3rd Drawer Down

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Age of Myth

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Age of Myth (Legends of the First Empire, Book 1) by Michael J. Sullivan

I’m standing by my original review of 2 stars. Unfortunately, not even GraphicAudio was able to save this drag of a book.

I REALLY wanted to like this book, and I honestly gave it every chance possible. Literally. I tried reading it, I tried listening to the audiobook, and after both of those bored me to the point of DNF, I gave it one final try with the GraphicAudio version. And while I did finally finish it, it remained an uneventful disappointment.

It had an interesting final 5%, but it wasn’t enough to make up for the 95% struggle it took to get there.

As I stated in my original review, you can have all the world building and character development you want, but at some point SOMETHING needs to happen. Seeing how slow this book is, and knowing that it’s going to be a 5 book series, doesn’t boost my confidence that this entire story isn’t going to be dragged out to an extreme.

***Original Review***

Got about half way through the book (and given how long the book is, that’s about the length of a normal book) and realized how boring it was. I was forcing myself on in the hopes that something exciting would happen, but there seemed to be no hint of that anytime soon. And knowing that this is going to be a 5 book series, I’m pretty sure that things are going to be very dragged out.

Age of Myth follows the annoying stereotype of many epic fantasy books, in that world building and character development take precedence over story. I understand that these things are important, but at some point, SOMETHING needs to happen. When a novel becomes all exposition and no substance, it’s no longer a novel, it’s just Fictional Non-Fiction (and yes, I just made that up).