On this website my word is law, and I say Die Hard is not just a Christmas movie but one of the greatest Christmas movies of all time.
Boxing could once again become a central player in the world of sports. But does it have the will to fight for its future, or will it fade into nostalgia, a relic of a bygone era?
Reservoir Dogs became a pivotal film in Hollywood history, not just for the overall quality of the film, but also for popularizing nonlinear storytelling. However, the film's influence contributed to the once-groundbreaking style becoming a negative trend in storytelling.
The Bourne Ultimatum is widely regarded as a landmark action film. At the heart of this was the now-infamous use of the shaky cam technique, combined with rapid-fire quick cuts. While this style was groundbreaking at the time, the success of the film begat some of the worst trends in action filmmaking.
It’s time to look back on the year that’s a solvable math problem. The following are my picks for the best and worst Movies, TV Shows, Books, and Video Games that I watched, read, and played in 2024.