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The Name of the Wind

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The Name of the Wind (The Kingkiller Chronicle, Book 1) by Patrick Rothfuss

If you have not seen any of the Pitch Meeting videos on YouTube, I recommend you watch at least 1 before reading this, it will make a lot more sense.

The Name of the Wind Pitch Meeting

PUBLISHER - So tell me about this new fantasy novel you’ve written.

ROTHFUSS - Well it’s going to be a trilogy all about this character named Kvothe.

PUBLISHER - Bless you.

ROTHFUSS - Oh no, that’s the character’s name, Kvothe.

PUBLISHER - Oh, because it sounded like you coughed and sneezed at the same time. Are you sure you don’t want to go with something that people can actually pronounce?

ROTHFUSS - No, I’m hoping that all the talk about how to pronounce his name will help keep the book relevant.

PUBLISHER - Any publicity is good publicity.

ROTHFUSS - Right?! So anyway, it’s about this guy named Kvothe whose orphaned at young age and forced to survive alone on the streets.

PUBLISHER - Wow, sounds like he’s going to have a hard time just trying to get by.

ROTHFUSS - Actually it’s going to be super easy, barely an inconvenience.

PUBLISHER - Oh, really?

ROTHFUSS - Yeah, I’m just going to make him, like, super good at everything.

PUBLISHER - Everything?

ROTHFUSS - Everything!

PUBLISHER - Now when you say “everything”, do you mean –


PUBLISHER - So, like, fighting?




PUBLISHER - Knowledge?

ROTHFUSS - GENIUS! Oh, and he also has the ability to learn really quickly, so he can be great at things he’s never even done before.

PUBLISHER - He sounds an awful lot like a Mary Sue, maybe you should give some kind of character flaw so he’s somewhat relatable.

ROTHFUSS - That’s just it, he’s also reckless and short tempered.

PUBLISHER - That just sounds like it would make things worse.

ROTHFUSS - Totally! His arrogance is always getting him into trouble.

PUBLISHER - Hold on, so you’re saying that most of the characters problems could be avoided if he wasn’t such a douche?

ROTHFUSS - Yeah, but where’s the fun in that?

PUBLISHER - True. I guess if we’re going to make him flawless and unrelatable, we might as well make him a douche as well. As long as he’s not a Mary Sue.

ROTHFUSS - Can’t have both.

PUBLISHER - Anyway, tell me about the world building? Fantasy fans love their unique, in-depth worlds.

ROTHFUSS - About that, I wanted to make Kvothe stand out as much as possible, so I just made the rest of the world a very generic medieval setting and threw in some magic for good measure.

PUBLISHER - That’s it? Aren’t you worried people will be disappointed at the lack of world building?

ROTHFUSS - No, I’m hoping it’ll be so generic that people won’t even notice.

PUBLISHER - I might be able to help you out with that, with some extraordinarily vague cover art.

ROTHFUSS - Love it!

PUBLISHER - Oh yeah! Extraordinarily vague cover art is tight! So, what about the story?

ROTHFUSS - Well, the whole thing is actually being told as if Kvothe is telling his life story to a writer.

PUBLISHER - Wait, wait, wait, so we’re being told about how amazing this character is by the character himself?


PUBLISHER - I’m not sure the conflict of interest makes him a trustworthy narrator. Is the writer at least going to talk to some of the other characters to get their perspective?


PUBLISHER - Why not?

ROTHFUSS - Because.

PUBLISHER - But how does the writer know if any of it is true? He could be making it all up to make himself look good.

ROTHFUSS - Yeah, it works better if you don’t think about it too much.

PUBLISHER - Phew! Well that’s a load off my mind.

ROTHFUSS - So what do you think?

PUBLISHER - A fantasy trilogy I don't have to think about, with a guy who can do anything in a world that could very easily be anywhere? I’m in! So when do you think it’ll be finished?

ROTHFUSS - [13 years and counting]

(Now for a more tradition review in case all that didn't make sense to you)

Quite possibly the most overrated fantasy book of all time.

Kvothe is probably the worst protagonist of all time, he's an asshole so far beyond a "Mary Sue", the fact that Rothfuss could even conceive such a horrible character is actually kind of impressive. Kvothe is a flawless character, and not in the good way, I mean he's a character with no flaws, he's the absolute best at everything for no reason. Even when it comes to tasks or skills that are considered extremely hard, he's somehow the best at it with little to no practice or training (no joke, this actually happens). It’s because his so good that he’s such an asshole, most of the character’s problems are caused by his own arrogance and stubbornness. And yes, the world is so generically cookie cutter, it's almost a non-factor. As a matter of fact, I’ve never heard either a praise or complaint about the world building. Now I know why: it's so neutral, it’s forgettable.